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Things People Notice When They Talk To You

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Hello and welcome to the real world where you are constantly under the lens and almost everyone judges you.

If you live in a country like India, god show mercy to you because this country has everything from body-shaming to bullying and what not.

But this is not a hate post, we are here to learn few things which people notice when they meet you for the very first time. So here is a list of 5 things they notice:

Your Social Class

This is something easy to guess. Also, this could be easily misunderstood. Social class depends on your appearance. People who are properly groomed, tailored and wear well-fitting clothes are assumed to belong to the higher social and economic class. The way you carry your hair to the way you wear clothes talks a lot about what kind of a person you are.

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Are you an Alpha?

people do tend to judge you for your dominance. By your gestures and overall experience they will judge whether you are an alpha male/female or not. Bald, tall people are considered to be alphas similarly a man carrying beard and one with good physique is sure to look like an alpha male. A dominant figure is destined to do well in all areas.

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Are you ambitious?

The way you speak, interact with strangers, and even how ironed your clothes are can all be indications of how you move towards your goals in life. You know what a stereotypical slacker looks like. Imagine the opposite of that and that’s what people think an ambitious person looks and acts like.

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Well, this one doesn’t needs an explanation but still, for your information, a bad slaggy posture will tell a person that you are much of a lazy person. Whereas a person with straighter back and good posture reflects positivity and confidence.  The same rules apply to your walk also. Try to have a more confident walk and it’ll do wonders for you.



Your financial status

This is kind of a mandatory stuff. People will always judge you on your financial status. People with good quality branded shoes, clothes, and accessories give a rich vibe than a person just hanging around in shorts. also if you smell good, this will assure the person that you like to take care of yourself and work on self and hence you are pretty secure financially.



Again, this is a major game changer. Nothing mentioned above will affect more than this. Your command over a certain language like English, your pronunciation, your way of talking and using sentences speaks volumes about you. Try using some heavy words to impress the listeners. Also, avoid being foul-mouthed and swearing too much because it is a sign of immaturity.



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