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5 Ways To Feel Better When You Are Sad Or Depressed

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Today we talk about a sensitive topic. Yes, we talk about depression and things you can do to feel better.

Anyone can be depressed because there is no age limit to depression. Yes, usually people over 16 suffer from sadness and depression because that is when we start understanding more about life and people around us.

Depression can be because of many things like financial status, relationships, divorce or existential crisis.  So if you or your friend suffers from any sadness or depression here are 5 ways you can curb your pain for sometime:

Get up and work-out

Your brain has gone into shut down mode, you don’t want to talk to anyone or see any people around you. When we are sad or depressed, our brain produces certain chemicals which are treated as a sense of physical pain by our body. This is the reason we don’t feel like getting up or talking to anyone. But when you start working out your brain produces testosterone which gives your energy a boost because of which you will feel more active and happy. The initial one week will be hard because your mind will try to repel the change but when you get used to it, there is no going back.




Talk to your friends

Friends can really come in handy at times like these. Afterall, a friend in need is a friend indeed. Friends are a good way to cheer your mood up.Talk to your best friend/friends and let everything out, trust us you’ll feel much lighter. Take advice from them and spend time with them. This way you can keep your mind busy and this can help you with your mood swings too.




When you feel you are sad start writing. Write all your thoughts, frustrations, situations, stories on that paper. Writing it down will give you a feel of lightness and easiness. You will observe a change in your thinking as soon as you develop a habit of it. Read lots and lots of books about motivations or biographies. this will give you a sense as to how people overcome their weakness ant tough times. Reading will also improve your ability to understand things quite quickly.



According to us this is the best remedy. Travel some place which has high value in terms of natural beauty. Traveling with your friends is preferable. When you travel your mind is diverted towards different things giving itself time to heal. This way you hack your mind into thinking that your problems are very small in comparison to the world. This may motivate you to start fresh in life. Do what you may but do not travel solo during depression or sad times because instead of healing it would have a negative effect on you.




Depression is the best time to raise a pet.We would suggest dogs because…. well, they are dogs!! A pet will give you something to cherish and care about . Pet is the best way to give your mind something to look for each day. Also, a pet will teach you your sense of responsibility and hence, you will see a remarkable change in your body language and thoughts. Pets are the best and when it comes to dogs, they are just irresistible.



When you are done with all this you’ll see a remarkable change in yourself as a person. You will be more confident, more focused, more active and more open to people. May what come don’t think of ending your life because that’s what weak people do. And you are not weak, you are stronger than you think. Generally it takes 3 weeks to 3 months for people to come out of depression but if it is taking you more than 6 months, you should consult a doctor. Also, there are several government helplines that deal with people in depression so you can check them up also.

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