Diet & NutritionHealth & Fitness

Are Apple Seeds Poisonous? 

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“An Apple a day keeps doctor away”, you must have heard this several times but do you know that the seeds of same apple can send you to the doctor?

Apple seeds contains amygdalin which can produce cyanide in your body. Cyanide is a powerful poison. When amygdalin comes in contact with digestive enzymes they release cyanide. If you will swallow the seeds then it will pass through your digestive system without affecting it but if you will chew the seeds you may be exposing yourself to toxins.

One or two seeds will not create any problem as our body can take small amount of Cyanide but if you chew and swallow large number of apple seeds then you should immediately consult your doctor as large amount of apple seeds can be fatal.

Read Also: Health Benefits of Apple, King of All Fruits

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