FeaturedMyth Buster

Myth Buster – You need to drink 8 glasses of Water Daily

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I know this goes against what you have heard all your life but it is true.

The amount of water you drink should be equivalent to how thirsty you are. It is not necessary to drink this many cups or glasses of water a day.

And if you’re worried that you would be drastically dehydrated don’t be. Your skin will also not show signs of dehydration unless you are dangerously low on water intake for a few days.

However, that does not mean you can drink half a glass and say you were not thirsty at all the entire day. An average human requires 2 to 4 liters of water daily.

If you want to see that you are drinking enough, you have to analyze the color of your urine. I know, sounds gross but it is actually a really good measure of your daily water intake. Here is a guideline for you:

  • Dark Yellow – Water Intake is less. Drink some more H2O.
  • Pale Yellow – You are drinking enough
  • No Color – You are drinking too much H2O

Also Read: Other Myths Busters

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