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5 Vegetarian Options That Can Fulfill Your Protein Needs

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If you are a vegan or a vegetarian, you may think that it is almost impossible for you to build a good body.

Vegetarians often suffer from protein crisis as all the rich sources of protein are non-vegetarian.

However, there are plenty of complete sources of plant-based protein that we can eat.

Our bodies can also make complete proteins when we eat a variety of higher protein foods, even if those foods aren’t necessarily eaten together (such as rice and beans, a classic example of protein pairings).

So here is a list of five foods for your daily protein needs:

Peanut Butter

Not only protein but tasty protein.Thankfully, just 2 tablespoons gives you 8 grams of pure, delicious protein.A favourite pre-workout food of many, peanut butter is a classic American staple everyone loves.






Another sweet and tasty alternative to whey protein.Packed with protein and fibre, peas are so yummy! They contain 8 grams of protein per cup, so add a little of these sweet treats throughout the day. Bonus … peas are also rich in leucine, an amino acid crucial to metabolism and weight loss that’s hard to find in most plant-based foods.





Oatmeal has three times the protein of brown rice with less starch and more fibre. It’s also a great source of magnesium, calcium, and B vitamins. You can easily buy oats from any nearby shops. Generally, it is advised you eat them for Breakfast.





Now you know Popeye was no fool when he ate Spinach every now and then.Filled with 5 grams of protein per cup, spinach is a great leafy green to enjoy as much as you can. We don’t have to tell you how to use it though … we’re sure you’re already loving this green plenty.





Mom is right when she says,” Eat your Broccoli”.This lovely veggie contains 4 grams of protein in just 1 cup, which isn’t too bad considering that same cup also contains 30 percent of your daily calcium needs, along with vitamin C, fibre, and B vitamins for only 30 calories.




So here it is then. This might help you to get some serious bulk. No kidding, eat them and check for yourself.

So, go according to this list for your vegetarian protein needs and do not forget to like our page on Facebook for more such updates.

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