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5 Must Do’s To Always Stay Active On The Job

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Always being active on the job may seem a hypothetical concept to many. This may seem to be an unachievable target but believe me after reading this post you may want to go in and go hard.

There are certain things you can do to be active while on a 9-5 job. Things might seem to be a little tough in the beginning but trust me it’ll be worth it.

So here are 10 pro tips to always feel active:

 Wake-up at 5 A.M.

Yes, it may seem to be an impossible task at first but once you are habitual, there is no stopping it. Waking up at 5 will enhance your sleep cycle and fix your metabolism. Waking up at 5 also enables a chemical reaction in our brain which makes us feel a sense of achievement. This sense of achievement which you get is one of the very first feelings you’ll get as soon as you change your lifestyle.





Waking up at 5 alone won’t help you if you still feel like going back to bed. The best way to beat that endless want for sleep is to exercise. Exercise not only drains the harmful toxins from your body but also activate your body to incoming nutrients while eating. You’ll see a noticeable increase in your diet when you do so. Exercising doesn’t mean joining a gym, to start small, you can opt for running in the nearby area or resistance training at home.




Fix your food cycle

Fixing your food cycle includes not only setting a proper time for food intake but also eating at fixed times daily. if you regularly eat food rich in proteins, you’ll start to see the results in a month. Give up unhealthy food habits, oily food, junk food. Start eating fruits or if you’re too lazy to do that, switch to natural freshly squeezed fruit juice instead of fruits.




Limit your caffeine habit

Most of us have a habit of grabbing a cup of tea or coffee at regular intervals while working. This may seem normal to us but is actually a very unhealthy habit for a body. You may feel charged for some time but the caffeine you take ultimately ends up making you more lethargic. Ideal caffeine intake allows only 1 to 2 cups of coffee per day and only 1 cup if you drink black coffee.




Drink lots of water

Make it a goal to at least drink 1.5 liters of water while working. Drinking water at regular intervals helps your body to flush out retained water inside your muscle and keeps you in shape. Drinking water will also help in detoxifying your body and give you a glow on your face.




If you can adapt these changes in your life, trust us you’ll see the results within 1 month of adaptation. there is never ever a tomorrow. Start from today, Start from this moment itself.

Go healthy, choose life.

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