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10 Bad Habits You Should Change Today!!

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Every person has a few habits they need to terminate.

You may not notice a few, but breaking them makes you more effective as a person.

Also, you will become healthier both mentally and physically if you learn the art of “Making and Breaking Habits.”

A saying by Warren Buffett goes like:

“Chains of habit are too light to be felt until they are too heavy to be broken”

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Some of the detrimental habits which you need to think about seriously are:


1. Stay away from your phone as much as you can, especially for a few minutes or hours before you sleep.


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2. Reduce your smoking and drinking habits. We all are aware that they can really affect us in the long run, but we take our chances and go ahead. It’s time to think about it seriously.


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3. Stop agreeing to things which you are not comfortable. Learn to say NO.


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4. Don’t let toxic people take decisions and make your life disrupting.


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5. Gossiping is a very bad fixation people have; it just brings out the worst in you.


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6. Comparing yourself to others. Someone’s best day may be your worst one. You never know what they have gone through to make it to that point in life.


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7. Not thinking enough about your goals and waiting for the right moment. Take your chance now. Act now. Don’t postpone anything.


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8. There’s this ‘3 rule’. If it doesn’t matter in 3 years then it never does. Take responsibility of the things which will really matter in the long run.


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9. Don’t fall in debts and start financing wisely and start making future plans like savings.


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10. Making excuses when you are feeling lazy. This really shouldn’t be a repetitive habit.


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So, these are some of the minor sin’s which you may have overlooked, but they define what you are as an individual.


**********Change today!!**********

ddd - Lets Redefine Lifestyle


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