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Yoga For Diabetes

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Diabetes is a condition where the sugar content in blood is too high.

It is a common condition found generally in age group which starts between 30-60.

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There are generally three different types of diabetes found which are:


Type 1 is a case which is not as common, where it generally starts in people who are in their 40’s. Type 1 diabetes signifies that in people having this diabetes, they do not produce insulin in their body ad should live rest of their life on insulin shots.


Type 2 is a case which is commonly found and it signifies that the insulin is not in appropriate level and it can be controlled by following a healthy life yet it can get worse at it progresses.


Gestational diabetes is generally caused in females during the process of pregnancy and can be detected during that time too.

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Yoga is a type of exercise which helps all forms of living being irrespective of their size and age group.

Practicing yoga on a daily basis can help keep the weight in check and the reduction of sugar levels in the blood, thus lessening the worse conditions that need to be faced.



Yoga also gives you that sense of relief and peace of mind, where you need not stress out for everything and thus increase your blood pressure, since it helps in the secretion – glucagon hormones which are present in our body.

Practicing yoga regularly helps keep your body and its insulin levels at normal too.

You will not stress out as much as you did before yoga came into the picture.

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So, it’s better late than never.

Start yoga today and you will see how it affects your daily life not just by toning your body, but also by toning your mind. 🙂


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