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Keep Your Diet In Check With These Healthy Office Snacks!!

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Is your 9 to 5 job not giving you enough time to focus on your health?

Do you find yourself snacking on unhealthy fried food and sweet treats all day?

Well, here is a list of 10 healthy snacks that can be easily consumed in office while you are trying hard to meet the deadlines.

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Almonds, pistachios, walnuts & cashews can work wonders for those mid-morning hunger pangs. Not only do they have a healthy mix of protein, fiber and omega-3 fatty acids but they also make you feel full. Pack them in an air-tight container and place it in your drawer. Limit your intake to one cup a day.

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Fresh Fruits

Fruits are healthy and tasty, which is a rare combination! They are full of natural sugars, antioxidants & vitamins. Apple, pineapple, pomegranate, orange, banana, strawberry, are all highly nutritious. Pick one seasonal fruit a day and you are good to go.

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Dried Fruits

Dried fruits are more nutritional and fibrous as compared to the actual fruit. They provide instant fuel but contain more concentrated natural sugar. It is ideal to limit your intake to half-a-cup or a handful of dried fruits a day. Stock up Dried raisins, apricot, figs & dates.

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Nut Butter

Nut butter like peanut, almond, cashew and walnut are protein rich. But make sure you don’t end up eating more than 1 tablespoon. Club it with an apple or a banana.

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Hard-Boiled Egg

Hard-boiled eggs are eggs which are boiled until the egg-white & yolk harden. They are one of the few foods that have Vitamin D. They are also a good source of protein. You can pack a hard-boiled egg and consume it preferably in the first half of the day.

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Roasted Chickpeas

High in protein & fiber, roasted chickpeas act as the perfect healthy & crispy snack. Make sure you limit your portions and do not nibble them mindlessly.

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Dark Chocolate

Dark-chocolate contains cocoa solids which help lower the blood pressure. It also reduces inflammation in the body. For the best results, try to consume dark chocolate that contains 70% cocoa.

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Cottage Cheese

Cottage cheese not only aids in weight loss but also contains high amount of protein, vitamins and healthy fats. It has various health benefits like strengthening bones and maintaining blood sugar levels.

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Popcorn is rich in fiber and has several health benefits too. It is a whole grain and is known to aid digestion and control the level of blood sugar.

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