
Winter Beauty Essentials! 5 must-haves in your Beauty Kit this Winter!

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It’s already November and Winter is fast approaching us. The air has already taken a turn towards the chillier side and the familiar dryness is setting in. It is time to stock up on our winter beauty essentials.

You may already be owning some of these products. Here are a few must-haves in your Winter Beauty Kit:


1. Cold Cream

Chilly weather can dry out your skin. To prevent dry cracked skin use a cold cream. It helps to moisturise the skin on your face. You can opt for any cream that suits your skin type. Cold creams are especially designed to provide extra moisturization during winters. Don’t keep using your summer facial cream for winters. Buy a cold cream instead.

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2. Dear old Petroleum Jelly: 

A must-have in any beauty collection. Petroleum jelly is one of the things that never goes out of style. Use it to prevent dry chapped lips, moisturise your feet, hands or your whole body if you please. It is one of the most versatile products ever. And despite what you may have heard about it, it is safe to use.

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3. Body Oils: 

This should be your go-to product if you want intense moisturization on your skin that lasts for hours. Choose any oil you like and apply right after showering. My personal favs are pure coconut oil and baby oil. If you prefer, you can also warm up some coconut oil and give yourself a mini warm oil massage. Or you can get someone else to do it for you. *wink wink*. Anyhow, it feels super relaxing. Trust me.

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4. Hand Cream: 

Come winter, a hand cream comes in real handy! We tend to wash our hands multiple times throughout the day. This draws out all the moisture from our hands. So, ladies get some good quality hand cream this winter to keep your hands feeling soft.

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5. Lip Balm: 

Nobody likes dry and chapped lips. For those of you who do not like to apply good old petroleum jelly on your lips, carry a lip balm. They come in all shapes and sizes and flavors galore. Apply and reapply throughout the day so that your lips stay soft and supple.

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Read more: Lazy-girls-beauty-hack-no-1

Featured Picture Credit: Karolina Misevičiūtė

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