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5 Easy and Healthy Snack Ideas

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Being healthy may not be easy as it seems. We all tend to falter when hunger pangs strike. It is essential to have healthy food all around you to keep you from reaching for that unhealthy bag of chips.

Don’t be scared. It only takes a few small changes in your lifestyle to see a change in your body. Try finding healthy versions of your favorite snacks and make them your go-tos.

Here are 5 healthy snack ideas that you can start with:

1. Apple + Peanut Butter

Try eating an apple with a tablespoon of peanut butter when you are hungry between meals. It tastes yummy and you won’t feel guilty afterwards. You can switch up apples with pears and any other nut butter that you like.

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2. Fruit and Nut Trail Mix

Another super simple snack idea. You can make your own trail mix with a variety of nuts, seeds and dried fruit. Maybe even get a little naughty and sneak in a bit of chocolate into it. Just be sure not to indulge in this snack as it can be higher in calories.

Get the recipe here

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3. Good ol’ Banana

When in doubt, eat a banana. Seriously. Bananas are high in potassium and vitamins. A banana will satisfy any sweet tooth or hunger that you have. If you don’t want a plain old banana try a super simple smoothie like this one.

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4. Roasted Chickpeas

These are easily available or you can make them at your home. This is a super healthy snack that is high in protein and will keep you satiated for a long time.

Let’s Redefine has a recipe that you can follow.

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5. Boiled eggs

Eggs are high in protein and good fats. Eggs are also low in calories and highly nutritious. Try snacking on hard boiled eggs during your snack time.  You won’t be sorry. If you are an athlete who consumes lots of eggs, then you can ditch the yolk.

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Ditch the boring cookies and biscuits right now. Try these easy and healthy snacks. You can take them to work or school. So, anytime you are peckish you have healthy and yummy snacks on hand.

Discover more healthy recipes here.

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