
Home / Natural Remedies for Whiteheads / Blackheads

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Blackheads and Whiteheads are quite common skin problems.

We live in a world filled with pollution and no matter how good our skincare routine maybe, we will manage to get these pesky meddlesome whiteheads or blackheads inhabiting our face especially our nose.

Pores and whiteheads or blackheads are the ones which can mess with our self-confidence.

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Whiteheads and Blackheads are very commonly formed and some of the remedies you can use to rid of them are:


Wash your face till you get rid of those impurities on your skin. Then steam your fresh face. Let the steam open up those pores on your nose and cheeks. After a couple of minutes, use a fresh towel or a blackhead remover to remove the black and whiteheads.

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Get a pack of charcoal powder and mix fevicol it in to make a paste. Apply this paste on your nose like a thin layer. Let it dry up and then peel it off. You can find that it peeled your blackheads and whiteheads as well.

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Take honey. Consider honey which is absolutely sticky. Then start apply honey to your nose in a patting motion, so this helps the blackheads to stick to the honey during the process of patting. Continue to do so for good 3 minutes and rinse your face off.

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Final tip : Separate egg whites from the egg and apply it with a brush on your nose are. After it dies out then apply it again second time on the dried out area. After the second layer dries out, repeat this process once again. Then take an exfoliator brush or just use your fingers and a towel to gently exfoliate the area. You be left with a soft skin like a baby’s bosom.

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So, these are some of the natural ways, you can get rid of that junk on your nose and cheeks.

Try these out once a week if you are prone to blackheads or have very oily skin.

Healthy Skin!! Happy Skin !! 🙂


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